Product Destruction Services

Arion Global, Inc. is an expert at secure product destruction and commercial shredding services. We offer complete secure product destruction solution for recalled products to a wide variety of business sectors and OEMs. With our trained staff and specialized process you can feel secure about safe destruction of defective, recalled and returned products. These products will not find their way back to the marketplace. We provide our customers with many destruction options including secure product incineration, shredding, landfill and recycling.
We securely destroy the following products and more:
- Recalled
- Medical
- Counterfeit
- Defective
- Textiles/ Garment/ Clothing
- Hard Drives
- Prototypes
- Electronics
- Toys
- Machinery
- Liquids
- Food and Beverages
- Makeup and Beauty
Our facilities and trucks are secure and are monitored 24 hours per day. We use a variety of methods for performing our secure destruction services including incineration, shredding and disposal. We always welcome our customers to witness the secure product destruction services being performed. Also we can work closely with government agencies and law firms needing verification of destruction services performed.
Logistics and Documentation:
Once you place a product destruction order with one of our sales executives we will dispatch our trucks to your facility for a pickup. Our drivers are trained to handle all types of products. We will document the pickup and take away the materials designated for destruction. Once the service has been performed we will issue a certificate of product destruction and an invoice. Each of our vehicles is equipped with GPS and a camera systems. We can present the evidence of destruction services completed if requested .
We have the expertise to serve small and large customers, including OEM for Product Destruction Services at our Los Angeles facility. We also provide secure hard drive destructions - data destruction, battery recycling, IT asset recovery and component recovery, etc.
Secure Product Destruction Case Study -Toys
A large well-known children’s toy manufacturer received 3 containers full of product manufactured overseas at its Los Angeles facility. Once these containers were offloaded the foreman realized that majority of the boxes are water damaged. Probably prior to loading or possibly in a storm during shipping. The manufacturer contacted their insurance carrier in order to resolve the issue. Their insurance carrier said they will cover the cost of the damaged product as well as secure destruction services as long as the manufacturer provides a certificate of destruction of toys. Manufacturers insurance carrier suggested they contact a local secure product destruction companies for certified product destruction and a certificate or destruction. The company called Arion Global, Inc and we suggested for them several methods of destruction services we offer. All of them with secure chain of custody. Ultimately, they decided to go with us destroying toys in our compactor and sending securely destroyed product in enclosed steel 40-yard container to a Los Angeles incineration facility. Once all of the materials were securely destroyed, we sent an invoice as well as a certificate of secure product destruction to the customer.
Recalled Product Destruction Process - Beverage
A firm that produces juices in cardboard packaging had to recall 10 trailers of beverages for destruction due to possible contamination at the packaging facility. They called us and inquired about our beverage destruction services. Our sales staff explained to them several options they have for destroying beverages and receiving a secure destruction certificate. We were able to arrange a pickup of all 10 trailers of product and shipped them to a liquid and water cleaning facility. Beverages were ran through a DE packaging process and liquids liberated. Liquids were filtered through their proprietary filtration system and packaging materials were recycled. Arion Global, Inc generated a certificate of destruction to the customer.
Product Destruction in Los Angeles - Pharmaceutical
A large vitamin manufacturer called and wanted to destroy 40 pallets of recalled vitamins. These products were recalled by the FDA. We explained that destruction of pharmaceutical products is one of our services. Arion Global staff was able to send multiple trucks to pick up the pallets with off spec vitamin products for destroying the recalled product. Once at our facility we pack products in to hazmat drums. Once bins are full, they are delivered to a disposal facility able to handle pharmaceutical products in Los Angeles for destruction. The chain of custody is closely monitored and products are accounted for at all points in time. Once materials were destroyed a certificate of destruction was sent to the customer.
Secure Product Shredding - Electronics
A large manufacturer of defense products wanted to securely destroy by shredding prototypes of electronics they manufactured. They also wanted to witness the destruction process at our secure facility in Los Angeles. We picked up pallets of materials for destruction at their facility and they followed our drivers back to our shredding facility. Once materials were offloaded they were immediately shredded with our 75 hp product destruction shredders. The commodities were recycled. A certificate of destruction was generated for the customer.